80+ Wedding Quotes Funny

When it comes to marriage, laughter isn’t just a one-day affair confined to the wedding; it’s a lifelong necessity. Beyond the big day, wedding quotes funny become these little gems that keep the spark alive, reminding us to live, love, and laugh together. Because really, isn’t that the secret sauce of a great marriage? So, let’s dive into a collection of over 80 clever and amusing wedding quotes that’ll keep the giggles going throughout this beautiful journey called marriage.

Wedding Quotes Funny about The Bride

Want to keep that adorable baby grin going strong on your big day and beyond? These bespokegifts.net‘s quotes are like magic wands for smiles! 

  • Behind every stunning bride is a groom wondering how he got so lucky.
  • The bride: the reason for today’s sparkle and tomorrow’s adventures.
  • A bride shines brighter than any diamond on her special day.
  • A bride’s laughter dances like confetti in the air, spreading joy everywhere.

Wedding Quotes Funny about The Bride
Wedding Quotes Funny about The Bride

  • The bride, the epitome of elegance, grace, and a touch of mischief.
  • In her eyes, the bride holds a galaxy of dreams, ready to be shared with her beloved.
  • The bride: a masterpiece, carefully crafted by love and laughter.
  • Today, the bride glows with happiness, painting the world with her radiant smile.
  • A bride’s heart is a garden where love blooms in its most beautiful form.
  • The bride’s beauty? Simply a reflection of the love she holds within.
  • The bride floats down the aisle like a dream, her heart leading the way.
  • With each step, the bride writes a new chapter of love and resilience.
  • The bride: a vision of love wrapped in a veil of dreams.
  • A bride’s joy lights up the room, making hearts skip a beat in celebration.
  • In the bride’s embrace, one finds warmth, kindness, and a touch of enchantment.
  • Today, the bride wears not just a gown but the aura of love that surrounds her.
  • A bride’s laughter? The melody that sets the tone for a lifetime of happiness.

Wedding Quotes Funny about The Bride

  • The bride’s smile? A brilliant light shining through the darkest clouds.
  • A bride’s heart, a treasure trove of love and unwavering strength.
  • The bride, a canvas painted with the colors of love, dreams, and endless possibilities.

Have you already picked out your own quotes to make her smile on the day you two confirm your new journey into marriage?

Funny Wedding Quotes about The Groom

Meet the groom, the resident jokester of your love story. Let’s flip the script and share either cute love sayings or wedding quotes funny that truly capture his witty charm.

  • The groom: the man who traded late nights for “I do” nights.
  • Behind every dapper groom is a squad of groomsmen trying to keep his tie straight.
  • Groom’s golden rule: Always agree with the bride, even when she’s wrong!
  • The groom’s secret weapon? His ability to smile despite being told what to wear.
  • A groom’s vow: “I promise to pretend I’m listening when you talk about shoes.”
  • The groom’s logic: Happy wife, happy life… and a bank account slowly draining!
  • The groom’s guide to a happy marriage: Never forget the anniversary, or else!

Funny Wedding Quotes about The Groom
Wedding Quotes Funny about The Groom

  • Groom’s wedding checklist: Suit ✔ ️ Smile ✔ ️ Not trip down the aisle ✔ .
  • Behind every composed groom is a bride subtly reminding him to stand up straight.
  • The groom’s secret to success: mastering the art of agreeing and nodding!
  • A groom’s love letter to the bride: “Sorry, I’m officially off the market!”
  • Groom’s rule number one: When in doubt, consult the bride!
  • The groom’s definition of compromise: Admitting the bride’s always right.
  • The groom’s motto: Keep calm and say “Yes, dear.”
  • The groom’s role on the wedding day? To keep the bride smiling (and stress-free)!
  • Behind every charming groom is a best man ready with last-minute advice.
  • The groom’s wise words: Marriage is about finding the right remote control balance.
  • Groom’s secret to a happy marriage: Learn to love shopping trips.
  • The groom’s reality: Wedding planning means smiling and nodding a lot!
  • The groom pledged, “I swear to chuckle at your wit, mysteries and all!

walking in the aisle
Funny Wedding Quotes about The Groom

Wedding Quotes Funny from Celebrities

Ever wondered how celebrities express love and humor on their big day? From heart-melting I love you messages to funny wedding sayings, get ready for a glimpse into the playful and romantic sides of famous personalities!

  • Marriage is like a blockbuster movie: there’s a lot of action, some drama, and ideally a happy conclusion. – Inspired by Dwayne Johnson
  • Marriage is like co-starring in the best rom-com of your life, with a dash of slapstick comedy thrown in for good measure. – Inspired by Sandra Bullock
  • Getting married is like winning an Oscar—it’s a great honor, but the acceptance speech is the most difficult part. – Inspired by Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Marriage is like a song collaboration: it’s sometimes a duet, sometimes a solo, but it always ends in harmony. – Inspired by Beyonce
  • Remember that in marriage, you’re not only the star actor; you’re also the director and the stunt double! – Inspired by Chris Hemsworth

Wedding Quotes Funny from Celebrities
Wedding Quotes Funny from Celebrities

  • A wedding is your opening night on the biggest stage. Break a leg, and hope the audience claps! – Inspired by Emma Stone
  • Marriage is a bit like a magic trick: you make a ring disappear, but gain a partner for life. – Inspired by David Copperfield
  • In love and marriage, remember, every day is an improvisation; just roll with it and enjoy the show. – Inspired by Tina Fey
  • Think of marriage as a grand adventure: sometimes it’s Indiana Jones, sometimes it’s Mary Poppins, but always an epic ride! – Inspired by Harrison Ford
  • Tying the knot feels like taking the stage at a concert—jitters and all—yet it’s the melody of love that never fails to captivate the audience. – Inspired by Taylor Swift
  • Marriage becomes your personal rom-com, with unexpected plot turns and priceless laughter echoing through every scene. – Inspired by Jennifer Lawrence
  • Marriage reads like an epic screenplay: it’s filled with peaks, valleys, unexpected turns, yet the grand finale steals your heart. – Inspired by George Clooney

wedding bouquet
Wedding Quotes Funny from Celebrities

  • Getting married is like starring in your own rom-com, with plenty of laughs, tears, and popcorn moments. – Inspired by Reese Witherspoon
  • Marriage is more than a cameo; it’s your leading role in a life-long buddy comedy. – Inspired by Will Ferrell 
  • Getting married is like an action movie stunt: exciting, a little nerve-racking, but entirely worth it for the beautiful conclusion. – Inspired by Scarlett Johansson
  • Marriage is like always being in the spotlight, but having someone to share the spotlight with. – Inspired by Jennifer Lopez
  • Marriage is a symphony of collaboration, strategic moves, and those rare occasions when a celebratory dance is required. – Inspired by Serena Williams
  • Getting married is a magical act in which your independence is replaced with the magic of a wondrous spouse by your side. – Inspired by Neil Patrick Harris
  • Matrimony is similar to writing a script: develop it artistically, attract your audience, and turn it into a blockbuster love story. – Inspired by Meryl Streep
  • Marriage is like being a co-star in a great musical where the script changes on a daily basis but the love narrative remains epic. – Inspired by Hugh Jackman

bride and groom
Funny Wedding Quotes from Celebrities

Funny Wedding Messages from Books & Movies

Get ready for a whimsical trip down the aisle of literature and cinema, through a trove of wedding quotes funny! 

  • May your marriage sparkle with more enchantment than wizardry and fewer surprises than mischievous pixies! – Inspired by “Harry Potter”
  • May your marriage journey have fewer unexpected adventures than Frodo’s, but just as much love and camaraderie! – Inspired by “The Lord of the Rings”
  • Here’s to a marriage with less pride, fewer prejudices, and far more delightful misunderstandings! – Inspired by “Pride and Prejudice”
  • In your love story, may there be more champagne and fewer tragic twists—unless they’re just dramatic anecdotes! – Inspired by “The Great Gatsby”
  • Wishing your bond to be as fierce as Katniss and Peeta’s love battles, yet blessed with bread far more delectable! – Inspired by “The Hunger Games”
  • Here’s to a marriage with fewer rain-soaked letters and more heart-melting moments, minus the swans! – Inspired by “The Notebook”

Funny Wedding Messages from Books & Movies
Wedding Quotes Funny from Books & Movies

  • Your marriage, a curious wonderland, where joyous unbirthday celebrations reign and the mad tea parties take a delightful backseat. – Inspired by “Alice in Wonderland”
  • In your marriage, may you encounter fewer eccentrically sized creatures and discover a wealth of unimaginable love instead! – Inspired by “The Princess Bride”
  • Here’s to a union as improbable and delightful as navigating the cosmos, free from any encounters with vogon poetry! – Inspired by “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”
  • Cheers to a love tale with fewer tissue moments but an abundance of affection, steering clear of any star-crossed misfortunes! – Inspired by “The Fault in Our Stars”
  • May your marriage have fewer eerie hotel moments and more ‘here’s Johnny’ laughter! – Inspired by “The Shining”
  • May your journey in marriage be sprinkled with fewer cringe-worthy moments and abundant expressions of ‘love just as you are’ that linger as treasured memories! – Inspired by “Bridget Jones’s Diary”

a smiling couple
Wedding Quotes Funny from Books & Movies

  • May your journey together have fewer White Witch encounters and far more magical wardrobe moments! – Inspired by “The Chronicles of Narnia”
  • Here’s to a marriage with fewer fashion emergencies and more ‘cerulean blue’ moments of understanding! – Inspired by “The Devil Wears Prada”
  • May your marriage have fewer hidden garden doors and more blooming love that brightens every corner! – Inspired by “The Secret Garden”
  • Here’s to a marriage with fewer sprinting scenes and an abundance of unexpected ‘box-of-chocolates’ surprises! – Inspired by “Forrest Gump”
  • May your shared adventure steer clear of caterpillars and overflow with delightful ‘I’m late!’ moments brimming with pure joy! – Inspired by “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
  • Here’s to a marriage with fewer flying monkeys and far more ruby slipper moments! – The Wizard of Oz
  • May your marriage have fewer stormy Scarlett moments and far more Rhett Butler declarations of love! – Inspired by “Gone with the Wind”
  • May your partnership encounter fewer golden ticket moments, yet overflow with sweetness and an everlasting stream of joy! – Inspired by “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

wedding hug
Funny Wedding Messages from Books & Movies

Funny Wedding Sayings from Comedians

Prepare for a laughter-filled celebration, by diving into the world of wedding quotes funny from the masters of humor themselves – comedians.  

  • Marriage is like a sitcom—lots of laughs, occasional misunderstandings, but the season finale is always worth it. – Inspired by Ellen DeGeneres
  • Getting married is like a comedy show: sometimes you’re the punchline, but the audience still claps! – Inspired by Jerry Seinfeld
  • Marriage: it’s a stand-up routine with your spouse where laughter is the best punchline. – Inspired by Amy Schumer
  • In marriage, love is the setup, and laughter is the punchline. – Inspired by Kevin Hart
  • Getting married is like a comedy sketch: rehearsed lines, spontaneous giggles, and the occasional improv. – Inspired by Tina Fey
  • Matrimony resembles a comic roast with lots of affection and lighthearted banter, but the true irony lies in a lifetime of companionship. – Inspired by Chris Rock

Funny Wedding Sayings from Comedians
Wedding Quotes Funny from Comedians

  • You become each other’s comedic partners in an endless improv show when you get married. – Inspired by Mindy Kaling
  • Getting hitched? It’s like a comedy act: timing is crucial, and laughter is your standing ovation. – Inspired by Conan O’Brien
  • Marriage resembles a comedy set in that you always laugh at yourself, but the true joke is how much you love each other. – Inspired by Ali Wong
  • In marriage, you’re the co-stars in a sitcom where love is the script and laughter is the ad-lib. – Inspired by Steve Martin
  • Getting married is like a comedy routine: sometimes you crack jokes, sometimes your partner does, but it’s the laughter that keeps the show running. – Inspired by Sarah Silverman
  • Marriage: it’s a comedic duo where you learn to laugh at your partner’s jokes, even when they’re not funny. – Inspired by Billy Crystal
  • When you’re married, love is the plot twist and you’re each other’s comic relief in life’s sitcom. – Inspired by Chelsea Handler

wedding on hill
Wedding Quotes Funny from Comedians

  • Getting hitched? It’s like a stand-up gig: practice the routine, deliver the punchlines, and make sure the audience (each other!) laughs. – Inspired by Robin Williams
  • Marriage: it’s a sketch comedy where you write the jokes together and laugh at your own punchlines. – Inspired by Sarah Millican
  • In marriage, you’re the comedy duo crafting jokes, laughing at life, and nailing the punchlines together. – Inspired by Ricky Gervais
  • Getting married is like a comedy act: rehearse the lines, embrace the spontaneity, and always leave room for laughter. – Inspired by John Mulaney
  • Marriage is a comedic journey: lots of pratfalls, some slapstick, but the laughter is always genuine. – Inspired by Joan Rivers
  • In marriage, you’re cast in a romantic comedy where you write the script and nail the punchlines every day. – Inspired by Ellen DeGeneres
  • Getting hitched? It’s like a comedy show—work on your routine, play off each other, and make sure laughter is the encore. – Inspired by Jerry Seinfeld

dream wedding photo on mountain
Wedding Quotes Funny from Comedians


In conclusion, amidst the vows and celebrations, remember this: be the leading act in your love story’s comedy show, via the wedding quotes funny! Embrace the joy of being your own comedic duo, finding humor in the quirks, and making laughter the soundtrack to your journey together. Cheers to a lifetime of laughter and love!